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  Testimony of Maîda made by RTL.TVI

Beautiful testimony on the integration of a pupil in situation of handicap and an implication of all the teaching profession for an optimal schooling.

11/01/2010 | More info

  GREECE - The accessibility of SRSE on AccesSchool.eu

Το School of Rural and Surveying Engineering (SRSE) was founded in 1917 under the title of "Higher School of Surveying Engineering" .

Initially, three years of study were required to obtain a diploma, but in 1930 this was increased to four years and the title was changed to "Higher School of Rural and Surveying Engineering".

23/11/2009 | More info

  Four infosheets for headteachers (downloadable)

The European Project „AccesSchool“ aims to improve access to ordinary schooling and training for children with disabilities. Although the project’s focus is on children with disabilities, the development of inclusive practices helps all children to bene_t of education.

18/11/2009 | More info

  AccesSchool: booklet of sensitization of schools

Sensibilisation FrThe ANLH, within the framework of its AccesSchool European project, publishes a booklet of sensitizing for a school really accessible to all.

12/01/2009 | More info

  The acceschool Leaflet

Depliant Ang 100A leaflet of a general presentation of the project, our objectives and the expected results.

12/01/2009 | More info

  FEEDBACK : AccesSchool & www.accesschool.eu

logo AccesSchool We would like to know what you think about the project “Accesschool” and its website. Please dedicate a moment to fill in this feedback questionnaire. Your comments will help to improve the quality of the project. Thank you for your support!

11/01/2009 | More info

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