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logo accesschool - small Disabled persons represent around 15% of the European population and more than 30% of the population is affected by architectural barriers and mobility problems . As regards pupils, “the proportion of pupils recognised as having specific educational needs varies markedly according to the countries: around 1% in some countries, more than 10% in others. Overall, in Europe, around 2.1% of pupils are educated in specialised schools or special classes (full time).”

The project is based on the following findings:

The willingness to develop a tool such as Accesschool, the ultimate aim of which is to improve the integration of children and young people with a disability in “ordinary” schools, is based on the following findings:

- many ordinary schools and training institutions are not accessible for persons with a disability;

- the obstacles to the integration of these people, together with the solutions to be implemented, concern the educational methods, the architecture of the buildings, the facilities available and the services offered;

- people with a disability do not have a tool enabling them to identify the teaching programmes and training courses given in Europe which are accessible to them;

- the head teachers, teachers and political decision-makers are not well enough trained in the integration of pupils with a disability;

- the mobility of these pupils is almost non-existent in some countries, given the difficulty of identifying possibilities for training courses and placements that meet their needs;

- there is no way of measuring the accessibility of teaching programmes and training courses in a way that takes account of educational methods, buildings, facilities and services.

This situation:

- leads to the exclusion of persons with a disability, due to a lack of information on the existing possibilities;

- curbs the implementation of specific solutions, in particular on account of: the lack of training on the part of head teachers and politicians in the educational field, the lack of tools to define the problems encountered by pupils and the solutions to be put in place, the difficulty of identifying good practices and establishing forms of cooperation;

- does not enable institutions that have an accessibility policy to ensure the visibility of their initiatives;

- hampers any chance of a coherent and effective policy being set in place, aimed at integration in ordinary schools: lack of information on the shortcomings that need to be made good, enabling priorities to be defined in terms of the measures to be taken, lack of visibility of the initiatives already taken, lack of information on the criteria to be met to ensure accessibility to the schools and colleges, and to the training courses.

The difference for a person between being able to follow a training course, for example, and not being able to, sometimes boils down to very little: a particular facility or amenity that is missing, a building or classroom to which he or she cannot gain access, unforeseen timetabling. This is why the Accesschool project aims to provide information which is accurate and can be personalised.


1 (Communication on e-accessibility published by the Commission in 2005)

2 (see COST 305 study)

3 (source: Eurydice)

4 (apart from the HEAG database for higher education establishments)
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